A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest whose appearance or setting should be preserved or enhanced.
Conservation areas include historic “listed” buildings but also other features of merit, such as open spaces, trees, historic street patterns, walls or items of historic or archaeological interest, which contribute to the special character of the area.
Additional consents may be required for any alteration that affects the particular character and interest of the area (eg the felling of trees, the replacement of doors and windows).
A detailed description of Bishopstone’s Conservation Area is attached, together with a map.
A building is listed when it is of special architectural or historic interest considered to be of national importance and therefore worth protecting. Listed buildings come in three categories of 'significance':
Grade I for buildings of the highest significance
Grade II* and
Grade II
Most owners are likely to live in a Grade II building as these make up 92% of all listed buildings.
Listing means there will be extra control over what changes can be made to a building's interior and exterior. Owners will need to apply for Listed Building Consent for most types of work that affect the 'special architectural or historic interest' of their building. This is usually done alongside an application for planning permission.
Listing covers a whole building, including the interior, unless parts of it are specifically excluded in the list description.
It can also cover:
Other attached structures and fixtures
Later extensions or additions
Pre-1948 buildings on land attached to the building.
There are 23 listed buildings and structures in Bishopstone. The full list is below.